Villa Alba Museum’s windows & external doors need restoration!
Villa Alba Museum provides a window into the world of Marvellous Melbourne, with its ornately decorated walls and ceilings telling us much about the design, culture and society of late 19th century Melbourne.
Now Villa Alba’s windows and external doors require urgent attention to ensure their preservation.
Restoration and painting must be done to exacting heritage standards. While proceeds from monthly open days and event hire fund ongoing maintenance, this cannot meet the costs of this major work.
We have launched an appeal to raise the $45,000 required to repaint Villa Alba’s 41 windows and 6 doors.
To fund this major work we need your help.
For more information and to donate online, please visit our GiveNow page. Note that donations over $2 are tax deductable. If you prefer to donate via bank transfer or some other means, please email so we can provide you will appropriate details and ensure you receive a receipt.